Members can now log into Wines of South Africa member access platforms via the single sign-on interface on the website. This means you will only need to login once to gain access to all available platforms. Members will have direct access to the online document library, the photo library, wine entry system, Marketing and Enquiry newsletters as well as show bookings and the member information update section where you can update information on your company at any time.
Click on Login at the top right section of the webpage (next to Members Index)

Your login details will be the username and password you created when registering on the membership database. If you forgot your details, click on forgot my login details. You can choose to reset your password, the reset link will be emailed to your email adress. If you do not know who in your company registered, click on members only company lookup. Type in your email address and search. Everyone in your company on the database will show up in a list. Choose an email address to either contact to ask for their details or to send the reset link to so they can reset their password and let you know the details. Once logged in, you can change your password on the left hand menu.

Once logged in, you will see the available platforms you have access to, click on each to gain immediate access. Member info update should be used to update your company information at any time. The Marketing and Enquiry newsletters will be available on the site after it has been sent out.

The online library houses all relevant market information. Click on the ' + ' sign to open folders to view files. Click on the document to download. Please note that Word, PowerPoint and Excel documents will download onto your desktop. PDF documents will open automatically.

The Search function at the top of the page searches the entire library. The search function under the Library homepage image, searches within the folder you highlighted.
Click on Dashboard at the top of the screen to return to the dashboard, from there use the menu to navigate to anywhere on the site.
For any enquiries, please contact Hanlie Eagleton on or +27 21 883 3860.